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Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I packed my things.
I put my foot forward then the other.
One step…
Two steps...
Until I embarked on a sojourn.
I found myself exploring what I have
not seen back home.
Things beautiful, things amazing,
Things rare, things exciting.
I found the beauty of the unexplored
world and it soon enslaved me.
My untrained, much more, innocent eyes
began to drift in the impeccable
sight of the new world.
I found it faultless…
And I thought I was better-off roaming
the vast expanse of the seemingly
perfect place where my feet have led
I yearned for a new kind of life
after I left my home where life was
Where my soul was eternally restless...
Where thoughts collided with
Where the mind almost always
functioned in disarrayed fashion…
I wandered...
As my journey away from home took time,
I saw the treachery of the
unknown world I was in.
There I was, beginning to feel tired and
lost in the idea of a better life in
an unknown realm.
I slept, thinking it would soon be
With a gust of wind that blew against
my pale cheeks
and with raindrops, I woke up.
I knew I had to go back home.
It felt lost in a milieu
of a thousand chestnut trees, a
million birds and a hundred bees.
I had to find my way back
despite being clueless of how long it would
With a little energy left, I leaped up
on my feet, ran as fast as I
In the end, my eyes were blurred with
tears as darkness further weakened my
But a little spark of light changed
The little lamp that hung above the
doorstep did not burn out while I was
The roof was a bit dingy,
The mats were new...
But much of it remained the same...
I know I am home...

*Finding your way back
home is always a delight to the heart
and a joy to the soul...

To the Monash students I have shared nine days with, may the Philippines be your second home.I will always be waiting for your return…

By Mau

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