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Thursday, December 20, 2007


Here's a poem that is found behind the back of a University of the Philippines shirt that some of us were so gung ho to buy. The 'three' represents the minimal grade a student at a UP can get in his/ her academic year. Here's a similar cheer for the Monash Arts students who still have one - two sems more to go in the next year to come, all the best for whatever you achieve and may it never be lower than a 'three'.

I think that I shall never see
A grade as lovely as a three
A three that's earned with
Blood and sweat
When failing is a serious threat
A three I've asked from
God all day.
Knowing praying is the only way
Exams are taken by fools
Like me
But only God can give a three
By Shu Yi

1 comment:

Miss Pakwan said...

wow!! i've been looking all over for this funny poem, and the shirt too!! thank you!!


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